Solar Power Feed-In Tariffs and Other Benefits in Hobart and Tasmania

With grid electricity prices at about 26 cents per kilowatt-hour, Tasmanian households can maximise their savings by self-consumption. The current feed-in tariff also makes sending energy back into the grid for bill credits a secondary benefit of solar.

Homeowners who install a solar energy system in Hobart receive what is effectively an up-front discount from the federal government. This rebate should be reflected in the price quoted by your solar installer.

Investing in a solar power system

One of the primary draws of solar power systems in Tasmania is their electricity cost savings. Depending on the size of the system, it can save a household up to $1093 per annum. In addition, unused energy can be sent into the grid for bill credits at rates between 8 and 14 cents. The exact rate depends on the retailer, with current offerings from Aurora Energy, 1st Energy, Energy Locals, and Future X Power.

The average three-person Hobart household uses 12 kilowatt-hours a day in winter, and a 6.6 kW system can supply enough electricity to cover these demands. This can help cut power bills by a significant amount, and the feed-in tariffs and electricity savings will reduce the payback period to about 6.2 years. It is important to note that unlike some Australian states, Tasmania does not offer a state rebate for solar power systems. However, the Federal Government STC rebate is still available.

Feed-in tariffs

Feed-in tariffs are above-market rates paid for excess renewable energy fed back into the grid. Using WATTever, an unbiased Australian site that compares local power providers, you can find out how much the average feed-in tariff is for your area. However, you should contact your electricity provider directly to confirm the rates and tariff program regulations.

Feed-in tariff policies are guided by each State and Territory Government in Australia and have been subject to many changes over the past few years. They offer guaranteed, cost-based purchase prices for energy and usually include a 20-year contract.

Solar panel system prices have been on a downward trajectory for several years, making them an increasingly viable option for Tasmanian households to reduce their exposure to rising electricity costs. Combined with the benefits of net metering, these incentives are helping to minimize household electricity consumption and achieve energy independence. In addition, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve our environment.

Solar rebates

If you’re thinking about switching to solar power, it’s worth noting that the state of Tasmania has some unique benefits that help to make solar an even more attractive investment. For example, the government’s energy efficiency program, TEELS, offers interest-free loans for eligible products, including solar systems. This incentive is passed through to the customer by the company that sells them their system, and should be incorporated into the final price tag for the system.

In addition, a number of electricity plans in Tasmania offer preferential feed-in tariffs, which can significantly reduce your electricity costs. In fact, if your system produces more electricity than you use, you can also sell the excess power back to the grid.

Solar panel prices have been on a downward trend for several years, making them more affordable for households in Hobart and across Tasmania. In fact, a solar power system can save you up to 40% on your electricity bills.

Installing a solar power system

Investing in solar power is one of the best decisions you can make for your home. It can help you save thousands of dollars in electricity bills and reduce your carbon footprint. You can also get a rebate from the government for investing in solar energy systems. The size of the rebate depends on the number of Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) you collect when installing a system. Hobart and Tasmania are in STC Zone 4, so you will receive fewer rebates than people in other zones.

The current feed-in tariffs for energy sent back into the grid in Tasmania are at about 9 cents per kilowatt-hour, and this can be a significant financial benefit for households with rooftop solar systems. This helps reduce grid consumption during peak periods, lowering your electricity costs and improving your energy independence. Solar panel prices have been on a downward trajectory for several years, making them an affordable option for many Tasmanians.

from Solar Panels Hobart


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